About Us | History | What You Can Do
we take care of the lake… 
- We work with the Vermont Departmental Conservation to ensure that we are using sound practices to protect the lake.
- We work with the VT Lakes & Ponds Management/Protection Program.
- We work with the US Dept of Agriculture to learn how the association, landowners and farmers can all work together to protect the lake.
- We actively participate in and support the work of the Federation of Lake Associations of Northern Vermont and the North American Lake Management Society.
- For 20 years, we have conducted an aquatic weed control program with an LPA owned and operated weed cutting machine and grants from VTDEC. We use Vermont Conservation Plate grants to fund lake protection projects.
- We use Vermont Better Back Roads grants to help the town of Glover fund road improvements that will improve water quality.
- We use VTDEC watershed survey methods to document sources of pollution.
- We keep members abreast of the latest boating safety laws and our certified instructors teach the Vermont Boating Safety Course.
- We support activities that improve wildlife habitat on and around the lake such as loon nesting platforms.
- We publish newsletters and maps to inform and educate members on good lake protection practices.
- We keep members informed on the latest fishing laws and fish stocking programs and, of course, the best Lake Parker fish stories.
- We inform and educate members on ways to protect their property while away from the lake.
- We keep members informed on matters such as the proposed sewer line and coordinate information with the Town of Glover.
- We hold an Annual Business Meeting and Potluck Supper.