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“Taking Care of the Lake”
A History of the Lake Parker Association
“….working to preserve the natural
beauty and unspoiled environmental
conditions of Lake Parker and the
surrounding community.”
Over 30 years ago, those who treasured the picturesque beauty and serenity of Lake Parker, looked out on the lake and saw that pollution and weeds were spreading and would soon eliminate the many pleasures of life at the lake that they enjoyed. They recognized that it would take the collective efforts of everyone who loved the lake to turn things around. The beginnings of a lake association were taking place.

Their willingness to give up most of their leisure time, to work hard, and to put in place good lake management practices, is a tribute to their determination to make Lake Parker a better place for all of us today.
We owe the founders of the Lake Parker Association, and the many volunteers of that early period, a huge measure of gratitude. It is not possible to name all of them individually, but in this history of the founding, the growth, and the activities of the Lake Parker Association, you will get the sense of their dedication and perseverance to get the job done.
The Association has been strong and active for nearly 30 years. We must keep it that way. Taking care of the lake is a continuing process; the work and the need will never end. We hope that all who read this will give their measure of effort, and that those who come after us will do the same. For the sake of the Lake!
John Washburn
January 2000
To VIEW, SAVE, or PRINT the History of LPA from 1970-1999 CLICK HERE ==>LPA_History