I have received a number of questions about the Lake Parker sewer project described in the previous email. The questions and answers are below.

If you have not yet replied to the first email, I hope you will take the time to do it now. It would be helpful to have replies, positive or negative, for the discussion at Town Meeting on Tuesday.

Thank You,

Jack Sumberg

Glover Selectboard


1. Who is responsible for maintenance of the grinder pumps?

Answer: The town would be.

2. Is the entire cost of each hookup paid from the project budget?

Answer: Yes, including the sewer line to the house or camp, the tank and pump, and the electrical connection.

3. What is the anticipated life of the grinder pumps?

Answer: The manufacturer claims pumps usually run 10 years before first maintenance when used year round. Life expectancy depends on use but should be more than 10 years.

4. Will hookup be mandatory? If not how will it change the cost if, say, only 55 new hookups?

Answer: Hookup at the time of the project is not mandatory. However a requirement of the USDA funding is that sewer lines and pump tanks be installed to all houses and camps in the project area. Owners who choose not to connect immediately would be responsible for paying their share of the debt service for the project. At 110 users this cost is projected to be $650 per year.

The operation and maintenance cost, a projected additional $130 per year, would be paid following hookup. This charge covers all usage of the system for 12 months. The total projected cost per year is $780 including debt service and usage. At the time of a later hookup, the town would install the pump and the owner would be responsible for the electrical connection, which is typically about $300. If less than 110 owners hookup at first, it would raise the operations and maintenance costs to those who do hookup. Since these cost are in part dependent on the volume of wastewater entering the system, the operations and maintenance costs should not double with only 55 users, but they would increase.

5. Will owners of newer, properly designed systems be expected to hookup?

Answer: No If they don’t, will they be expected to help pay for the project? Answer: yes, see answer to #4.

6. What does the easement encompass?

Answer: Access to a twenty foot wide permanent easement covering the route of sewer line and pump tank. No future building over the sewer line or tank would be allowed.

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